Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life has been handing out Lemons

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. Life has been handing out a lot of Lemons lately so I'm trying to stay positive and make lemon aide.

We found out my Son has to have surgery on his arm. My other Son hurt his arm riding his motor cycle and can't use it and My Mom has a cold and keeps falling out of bed. Now you would think that would be enough for one day, however my neighbor knocked on the door to let me know that I just got a ticket. I got a ticket for having a plastic cover on my front license plate. $180 ticket YIKES!!!!! Who knew a plastic cover was illegal? I was so MAD. Don't they have anyone better to give a ticket to!

Today I went to the police department and they at least reduced the ticket to a fix it ticket and it is only going to cost $25. YEAH!!!! Life is much better today. Thank you.

Mark got off early today so we got to have lunch together. That's something we rarely get to do. It was nice sure nice.

The guy came and put full rails on my Mom's hospital bed so she won't be falling out of bed anymore.

Life is looking up again. The weather here is beautiful and the lemon aide is great! Hope life is treating you well. Have a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi!! Looks like we are partners for the vintage Fourth of July swap!! I am very excited!! I will email you!